Monday, January 31, 2011

The best game of Magic I ever played....

Thats a tough one.

I'll start with a six player free for all game from a few years back.

I was using a red and black Grave Pact deck, and I was facing off against a standard white life gaining deck played by Rith, a couple other decks from a few irrelegulars. The most prominant of these was the guy playing the old school Merfolk deck (and by old school, I mean Sunken Cities, and unlimited Invisibilities).

Thanks to my violent rhetoric, we killed off Rith early. He was gaining too much life too fast. The combo of Ishocron Scepter and Life Burst attracted enough attention to get the job done.

But other then that, my deck started off very slow. It was all I could do to deflect attention and lay low. The old school Merfolk deck gained the upper hand next. Most fortunately for me a couple of the other plays jumped up to meet the challenge, which saved me from having to attempt any sort of diplomacy.

Merfolk guy, who's wife had shown up early into the game, and whom he seemed to be attempting to impress, quickly started picking players off. I had not drawn into any of my Grave Pacts, Earthquakes or any other sort of potential removal. Rith, who was still pissed at me for convincing everyone else to turn on him, made sure to direct Merfolk guy to me once the other threats had been removed. It was down to the two of us and an inexperienced player folks we had left relatively alone.

A beefy merfolk with Invisibility started to chisel away at me. I know there was no way I was going to be able to cheese this guy to death, so it was down to top deck love, and luck. And luck dictated, that Merfolk guy stopped listening to Rith once he felt I was too weak and started toying with the other guy. Top deck love gave me a Grave Pact. The rest is obvious. My single mana cost creatures with self sacrificing abilities wiped the board of creatures, and Shirei, Shizo's Caretaker brought them back at the end of each turn.

Grave Pact FTW.

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