Friday, January 28, 2011

Mythic Rares are Ruining Magic

Mythic rares will be the ultimate downfall of Magic the Gathering.

Mythic rares gave Wizards of the Coast a reason to print even more ridiculous cards then ever. Remember the Invasion block? How gold cards became outragiously powerful? Gold cards went from almost useless, to almost necessary. Granted, gold cards would ultimately be scaled back, what most people don't know is that the Invasion block drove a lot of loyal Magic players from the game. The gold invasion changed the game, and when the game evolved, many players were left behind.

The Mythic rares, and the ridiculous Eldrazi, have changed the game. I would also toss Trap cards into this catagory, but if we're lucky, those are gone. What I call these cards are equalizers. Suddenly, even a lousy player can keep pace with a good one. Trap cards literally penalized good players for doing the kinds of things good decks did. Mythic rares, in addition to shifting the value of cards for collectors, it also gives newbs a weapon. In my eyes, Magic will always be a game of skill. The way a deck is built should be more important then what is in it. Thats what Mythic rares do, they devalue deck building.

In any event, my theory is that Magic created Mythic rares to stay relevent. Granted, its the most popular CCG of all time, but it may not be forever. When I was young, people played Magic. Kids, young adults and adults alike. Now, kids and even young adults are playing Yu-gi-oh, or Pokemon or video games. I think Mythic rares was a desperate attempt by Magic to compete. I think it will go down as a good move, because Wizards is doing it what it takes to remain on top, even while they are still on top. If Magic had started to go down the drain, Mythic rares probably wouldn't save the game. But now, while Magic is still king, Mythic rares were probably inevitable.


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