Thursday, February 3, 2011

Mirrodin: Erodin'? at Daily MTG

That's the question we're facing, folks. With Phyrexia blowing the doors of war off their rusty hinges, Mirrans everywhere (everywhere on Mirrodin, that is. Duh) have been forced to come together to fend off the alien foe and preserve their world. I guess if we were to make a nerdy parallel, this storyline seems to be the Secret Invasion of Magic. I'm sure that's already been pointed out somewhere, though. How about War of the Worlds? Its concept isn't so different: Out of nowhere, a calculated strike by alien forces leaves the human race confused and scattered. On second thought, that doesn't work so well, given that the Mirrans seem far from scattered. And I'm pretty sure the Phyrexians can, um, breathe okay.

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